🐰 When Hobbies Become Rabbit Holes
One of the advantages to the internet is to find so many people with hobbies and talents that I never knew existed years ago. Not only has the internet made it possible for people to find out about new hobbies but it also allows hobby enthusiasts to share their love with a community of like-minded people and actually monetize these hobbies. I think it is an overall win for all of us. Afterall, what is so bad about finding new hobbies?
One hobby that I was introduced to is this hobby of customized mechanical keyboards. I really had no desire to spend so much time learning about keyboards but there I was, spending hours watching YouTube videos on these things. I did enjoy them and have a huge amount of respect for people that dedicate so much time on these things, but I had to check myself when I realized that I started to get analysis paralysis (the problem of not being able to make a decision because there is too much information to consider).
All of this got me to thinking about these rabbit holes that we all climb. Sometimes they can very positive and exciting. Other times they become time consuming and expensive. I finally did make a decision and purchased my keyboard. I have one more coming that I want to check out for comparison and think I am done with that rabbit hole, or so I thought. So why do I keep going back to watch more videos about it?
🎥The Latest on my YouTube Channel
I did my first video in my series on the gadgets and technology that helps us build our brand and improve our life and business. The video is an unboxing video of my first mechanical keyboard by IQUNIX. I mentioned this keyboard last week so now you can check it out here: IQUNIX F96 Unboxing
🏆What I am learning
🎓I am knee deep in my blockchain learning. I am almost finished with the preliminary learning through DAPP University’s Blockchain Developer Course. I learned about crypto wallets, SMART contracts and Etherium. I was introduced to the Etherscan website and Metamask chrome extension. I plan on finishing up the preliminary learning this week and then start digging into the good stuff…the capstone projects. These projects will give me actual hands-on practice applying some of the things that we discussed in the course.
🌱I set-up my Metamask account and purchased my first NFT this past week. I am excited to be a member of Lobby3. Can you find me on their webpage here: Lobby3
I am member #708
As someone who is looking to become part of the blockchain community I am always interested in finding new ways to use my knowledge for good. I am excited to see what things they have in store for this new endeavor.
📖What I am reading
I completed my reading of the Minimalist Entrepreneur sample copy and certainly convinced that I will purchase the complete book. I am looking to do my book Haul soon so look for that to hit my YouTube channel soon. I have some diverse new additions to my reading list and I am excited to get started on them
🛠️Project Updates
⌨️Increasing my typing efficiency: After 2 weeks of typing tests I realized I have gotten nowhere with my speed. A change of strategy is in order.
Starting average: 40 WPM
Week ending 3/13/22: Typing average 40 WPM
🏗️ Studio makeover: My makeover is just about complete. I am waiting on two more things to come this week and then I will be ready to share the results. Be on the lookout for it.
✅New Business Checklist: I am making progress on this check list. I have a few more weeks of tweaks before publishing it. Stay tuned…
🚀Becoming a Blockchain Developer: As mentioned in the learning section I am about to get started with the Capstone portion of my training. This is where the rubber meets the road.
❤️What I am loving
🐦Tracy Tang - I started following this person on Twitter. @tracytangtt. She is a talented artist that has some fascinating doodles on her twitter page on ideas on how to be a better human. I encourage you all to check her out. Here is an example of one her tweets that I especially enjoyed:

⌨️IQUNIX F96 Mechanical Keyboard: Yes. I am enjoying my new keyboard after about one week of use. My wife on the other hand doesn’t necessarily enjoy the clickiness of the keyboard. Glad I didn’t go with the blue switches….
📊Random Insights
With things getting back to normal (or at least the new normal) I wander if things will ever be the same as they were. We have all been introduced to new ways of working, shopping, communicating with friends and family, and even how we worship and consume entertainment. Here is a short list of changes that I see in my life:
🍿I have not been to a movie theater in years and don’t miss it.
🏡I redecorated my entire house to accommodate working from home and hope to never have to go back to the office again.
📺I found much more content to watch on streaming TV then I ever did with cable.
🚗I don’t drive nearly as much as I used to and when I do I realize how much I don’t like going to gas stations (let alone trying to keep up with the best gas prices)
🏷️I value spending money on the comfort of my home more than I value having a nice care or expensive clothing.
🥩I love the convenience of curb side take-out rather than having to get out of my car to walk inside the restaurant to pick up my order. (Is that just laziness?)
I would love to hear from you what changes you have experienced that you would like to keep.