🎥The Latest on my YouTube Channel
I took the first major move on my YouTube channel this week and posted my first video. After months of preparation, I cut the cord and dove in. You can check out my first video which happens to be my trailer video here:
Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications here:
🏆Updates on what I have learned
🏷️I reviewed several options on learning sites and took advantage of a holiday deal at Codecademy. I purchased the early membership for 50% off so I am ready to start my first course. They recommend that I decide on a particular path to follow in order to determine which courses are best. I am open to ideas. Anyone interested in following a particular path? I will share all my insights with this community as I go. If you are interested in signing up, I would recommend you use the link below to get ONE month of Codecademy pro for free. http://ssqt.co/mQot2Ap
🗂️I also decided to give Simplilearn a try because they have a wide range of courses but most importantly, they have some courses on cryptocurrency and blockchain. Best of all they are free for a limited time. I started the cryptocurrency course which seems a bit basic right now, but it was pegged for beginners. If you want to sign up for an account you can use my affiliate link here https://simpli-web.app.link/e/hwcdjHJhlmb to get FOUR FREE Courses.
📖This is what I have read
I didn’t get much reading completed this week as I have been going through all of my previous readings so I can bring you the summaries. There are a few that I plan on taking on this year and should have a video on that soon so stay tuned to the YouTube channel for that one.
🛠️Project Updates
This is a week of firsts. I wanted to get a good start to my year and so I executed on several fronts.
✍🏻My Newsletter is live
I am going to continue to fine tune these over the next couple of months before digging into the next two projects that I have on my plate.
👍What I am loving
My wife and I enjoyed some down time over the holiday and got in some good binge watching. There are several choices that stood out.
👍True Story starring Kevin Hart kept us up all night because we could not stop watching it until we exhausted the episodes. It was surprisingly suspenseful and of course, hysterical. It is a great choice for date night.
👍We also finished the series on Hulu about the opioid crises called Dopesick. It was well done with some serious acting by Michael Keaton who also did a great job in the movie Worth. If you haven’t seen these two shows, check them out now.
📊Random Insights
As we begin a new year, I reflect on what has happened last year. 2021 brought a variety of unexpected challenges. The pandemic carried over from 2020 causing major disruption to how we all live, work and play and I was no exception. I was forced to dig deeper into my heart and focus on what mattered the most and stay vigilant on my quest to make the best out of life. I uncovered some great opportunities to learn which were made possible by the digital transformation. I had more time to spend with family and allowed my dog to become more dependent on me since I spent most of my hours in the house. As the final hours of the year wind down as I am writing this one thing stands out as obvious. We have to take ownership for our own happiness. My random insight this week. Know what you love and make that your top priority. Everything else will line up behind it.